ProGuard For Android Part 1

Jyotishgher Astrology
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How to Use Proguard in Android Application Properly?

While writing the code for your Android app, there may be some lines of code that are unnecessary and may increase the size of your app’s APK. Aside from useless code, there are numerous libraries that you may have incorporated in your program but did not use all of the functionalities that each library provides. Also, you may have developed some code that will be obsolete in the future and failed to delete it. These factors are to blame for the increased size of your application’s APK. Android has Proguard capability to minimize the size of the APK. Using Proguard aids in fulfilling the three functions listed below:

  1. Minify the code
  2. Obfuscate the code
  3. Optimize the code

As a result, Proguard will assist you in shrinking the size of your APK, removing unnecessary classes and methods, and making your program tough to reverse engineer. So, while using Proguard, you need to keep a few things in mind. In this article, we will look at some of the aspects that must be considered while utilizing Proguard in our Android application. So let us begin with the first point.

Proguard should be excluded from Data Classes

Almost every Android application contains a Data or Model class that is used to retrieve data from a remote database. So, if you use Proguard, the Proguard will modify the class, variable, and method names. 

For example, if you have a class named User and it has variables such as firstName and lastName, the Proguard will rename your User class to A or something like that. Simultaneously, your variable names may be altered to some x, y, or z. As a result, if you try to put the data of the same variable in the database, you will obtain a run time error since no such field exists in the database.

To circumvent this, instruct Proguard to preserve the variables and methods of the User class and not obfuscate them. To accomplish this, add the following line to your file:

-keep class** { *; }

By adding the preceding line, the Proguard will do no obfuscation or optimization of the code in the chosen class.

When using Proguard, do not use Fragment TAGs

The majority of Proguard’s issues are caused by its obfuscation characteristic. The same as with Fragments.

We define some String TAG as FragmentName.class whenever we create a Fragment. use getSimpleName() to get the TAG and utilize it in our Fragment. However, if you are using Proguard, this may cause a problem in your application. Assume we have two fragments in the firstfragment package named Fragement1 and Fragment2 in the secondfragment package. As a result, the Proguard will change the firstfragment package to “a” and the secondfragment package to “b,” but the Proguard can also change the names of Fragment1 to “a” (because the package and Fragments are different, so names can be the same) and Fragment2 to “a” as well, because Fragment2 is a different package.

However, if you are currently using FragmentName.class.getSimpleName(), this will cause confusion since Fragment1.class.getSimpleName() has been changed to a.class.getSimpleName() and Fragment2.class.getSimpleName() has been changed to a.class.getSimpleName() (). Both TAG values will get perplexed as to which fragment is being called. Using FragmentName.class.getSimpleName() should thus be avoided.

Take Care of Reflection

When your classes and methods are accessible dynamically, such as through reflection, you must ensure that your class or function is obfuscated. For example, if you reference your code from an XML file (which normally uses reflection) and use Proguard at the same time, Proguard will change your class name to “a” or something similar in the XML code, no changes will be made, and this will result in a class not found or method not found exception.

As a result, always include the class utilizing reflection in your Proguard rules.

View Handle

When you construct your own view in an Android application, ensure sure the view class you’re creating is included in the Proguard rule, or you’ll get a class not found error.

For example, if you create a simple view named and use it in your XML file, the Proguard will alter your view class name to “a” or something similar, and your code in the XML is using, but there is no such class since it has been changed to “a.”

Proguard rules for libraries are being added

We use a lot of open-source libraries in our Android application. However, if you are using Proguard, you must also provide the Proguard rules of the libraries you are using, if any. 

You may locate the Proguard rules of a library by reading the file of the library you used and adding the provided Proguard rules to your application.

Another Pro Tip

When you’re finished optimizing your code, place all of the files in the root package to eliminate the need for fully qualified names like To enable this feature, include the following line in your file:


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